Monday, April 28, 2008

Coming Soon! Ladies of the Night!

Mata Hari. Mae West. Greta Garbo. Etta Place. Catherine the Great.

What did they have in common?

A disregard for the rules.

Coming soon the life and times of the wild and wanton women of history. They lived, they died, they ruled kingdoms and they brought them down.

Even today, the wicked women of the world tickle our fancy and absorb our attention on the covers of newspapers, magazines, and books, the world over.

Monica Lewinsky. Jennifer Flowers. The Mayflower Madam. Ma Barker.

Join me as we investigate and examine the women, their lives, and loves and the punishment society decreed. First up - Boudica. That wacky ruler of the Iceni who didn't take Roman plundering lying down. Stay tuned!

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