Sunday, April 6, 2008

Welcome to Ladies Night

Wild. Wicked. Wanton.

Ladies have been making history since the dawn of time. And probably earlier. Heaven knows what those naughty primordial babes were up to.

But here comes my blog on the women who made press. The good, the bad and the ugly. And the nasty, naughty and nice.

Cleopatra? Boudica? Elizabeth I? Isabella?

And don't forget Blood Mary, Typhoid Mary and Mary Queen of Scots.

They made trouble, and they made history.

Rock On Girls.


M said...

Hi there, your blog made me laugh! You forgot Mimi from England to mention. Scatty, dizzy, mostly unorganised and i don't know if i ever make history but you can fream ,eh :)
hope to read some more from you. Take care

M said...

and DREAM!!
silly typos